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TRC Venue


Technology Resource Centre

In recognition of MCRC’s role in technology development, CAPART has sanctioned Rs. 42 lakhs for setting up a Technology Resource Centre (TRC). Part of the money has been used to put up buildings at Vadakadambadi campus. MCRC technologies are being disseminated for rural development through TRC. MCRC has to date 3568 trainee days of interaction with Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and individuals from India. A symposium on ‘Revival of organic farming’ was conducted. The participants were academicians, scientists, NGOs, Panchayat residents, industrialists and farmers. The function was inaugurated over by Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu.

Objectives of TRC

  • Innovation & Dissemination of Technologies.
  • Undertaking visits to NGOs, other TRCs and R&D institutions.
  • Participation in meetings, workshops, seminars, conferences etc., pertaining to technology development and dissemination.
  • Networking with other NGOs, TRCs, Technical institutions, etc.
  • Preparation of brochures, technical notes and MCRC technologies related manuals, newsletters, leaflets, handbooks etc.
  • Organising seminars & training camps.
  • Imparting training to various NGOs, institutions, farmers, individuals on the technologies developed by MCRC.
Technology Resource Centre Technology Resource Centre


  • New buildings for training programmes with boarding lodging facilities were established.
  • Various MCRC's proven technologies were elaborated to NGOs and farmers for dissemination in their regions.
  • Surveyed in the rural villages for technology dissemination and new rural adaptable technologies were identified.
  • Visits undertaken to rural villages and needs of the villagers identified and documented.
  • Assisted and sent technology profiles of MCRC to institutes of rural development for upgrading the directory cum database on rural technologies
  • Networking programme conducted with various NGOs participated from all over India during the three-day training programme on organic farming and innovations.
  • Network initiated among the NGOs during state level workshop on appropriate technology for income generation in the contest of SGSY organized by DRDA.
  • MCRC participated in the Brainstorming session organized by Science city to promote ecotechnology at various institutions of Science city.