Shri AMM Murugappa
Chettiar Research Centre (MCRC), a non-Governmental voluntary
research organisation, was established in 1977 with division engaged
in research on photosynthesis and energy at Tharamani, Chennai,
Tamil Nadu, India 600 113.
It is registered under the
Societies Registration Act 1860 and donations to the Centre are
exempt from income-tax under section 35(1) (ii) of the Income Tax
Act. The centre is recognised by the Department of Scientific and
Industrial Research, Government of India for carrying out research
To develop and transfer
technologies to people-most suited to their environment
To create a scientific bent
of mind and instill confidence in the minds of people
To bridge the gap between
progress and preservation by deft use of science and technology
Main Focus areas of MCRC
Organic Farming
Algal Technology
Eco-friendly Endeavours
Bio-fuel Technologies
Renewable Energy
The research centre has
worked on devices and technologies for rural application, as well
for use in industrial sectors. Resource utilisation, recovery and
management are the major areas of specialisation. Many of the
devices and technology packages are eco-friendly and dovetail with
local needs. Simple technologies have been designed for the use of
local artisans. The Centre has been recognised by many funding
authorities of the Government of India for carrying out different
research project.
A Technology Resource Centre
has recently been established, as recognised by Council for
Advancement of People's Action and Rural Technology (CAPART), Govn.
of India for the dissemination of proven technologies. The Centre
has interacted with companies in solving certain operational
problems in industry. The Centre continues to interact with
companies in the energy sector, particularly in areas of process
control for industrial waste management and utilisation.
MCRC has faculties and staff
from graduate, postgraduates and doctorate-holders from engineering,
life sciences and social sciences. The Centre has commercialised
technologies for further R&D works and has also spun of activities
once the technology has been established at MCRC. Such spin-offs
help in dissemination by giving wider exposure through extension
work. The scientists have presented many research articles at
national and international seminars and conferences, and have
published articles in leading journals. Apart from patented
technologies, monograph series of the developed technologies have
also been brought out.