A Total Energy and Total Materials
System using Algal Cultures
Energy Plantations - A case study for
the Coromandel Littoral
Analysis of Bioconversion Systems at
the Village Level
Biodynamic gardening
Mass culture of Spirulina fusiformis
Energy in the Indian context and a DNA
model of development
Biodynamic gardening-Hindi translation
Biodynamic gardening-Tamil translation
Alternate Energy and Technology for
small fishermen
Biogas: the MCRC way
Paddy cultural practices in Chengleput
Development and thermodynamics : a
search for new energy quality makers
Social Factors in Technology Transfer
Studies in Pisciculture
Biodynamic Horticulture- Improvements
and Extension
How many Hectares per Kattumaram?
Phycotechnology-Spirulina as Feed and
Harmonious Structures
How many Hectares per Kattumaram?
-Tamil translation
Low cost shampoo making from wood ash
Low cost shampoo making from wood
ash-Tamil Translation
Mud pot cultures of the alga Spirulina(Arthrospira) fusiformis for rural households
Case study to investigate the patterns
of energy consumption and requirements of shepherd
communities in Kumaon Himalayas
Synthetic Fish Aggregation Devices (FADs)
The Jayaja Tile - A new type of
Go-Pul, an exciting substitute for
Vatsi and Saras - A construction
Microbial Production of Energy I -
Photo production of Hydrogen
Innovation and experiences in roofing
Experiences in Administration of an
Intermediate Technology Research Institute
Multiple effect solar still
Organic farming: experiences and a
beginner's guide
Composting through earthworms
Large Scale Nutritional
Supplementation with Spirulina Alga
Temple tanks in Madras City
Natural Dye Extraction and dyeing techniques