Surveys and Studies
It is essential to study and analyse any existing situation before recommending strategies for improvement and development. The Centre has been involved in several such surveys in the rural areas and several recommendation have been given for improving the conditions of the people in those areas.
Energy surveys/ studies |
To study the pattern of
energy use in the rural households, MCRC has carried
out pioneering studies in several rural areas, in
particular,in the isolated region of the lakshadweep
islands, Niligris hills, Kumaon hills in the Himalayas
etc. Expertise have been recommending to the Govt.
agencies for the optimal use of renewable resource in
these areas. Plantation crops for energy, especially
the cultivation of casuarina equisitifolia to develop
wastelands is an important areas of activity. Also
MCRC has been involved in developing simple adaptable
techniques in the energy sector that could be a
dovetailed to any simple need.
Sustainable fresh water supply
to Chennai city |
A mammoth fresh water
crisis awaits the future generation in India. The
crisis will not be due to the lack of fresh water as
such, but the availability of adequate quantity water
at the right places and required time to meet basic
needs. The emerging global fresh water crisis is
already visible in India, involving enormous social,
political and environmental costs which are affecting
the economy and quality of life. The fresh water
crisis is not the result of natural factors such as
drought, but has been caused by humans, by increased
pollution of both surface and ground water, improper
water resource management and the shortcomings in the
design and implementation of legislation and
regulations which address these problems. The
objective of the study was to provide insights for
policies and programme on fresh water management in
India through an analysis of the trends in water
availability and its use at the local level. The
intention was to examine the water situation and
approaches being used by people at the urban areas, a
large city- in five different ecological regions of
the country, in order to achieve an assured supply of
household water and utilise it for productive
activities with related impacts on the ecosystem. The
insights were used in a synthesis report to suggest a
set of policy and programme recommendations aimed
primarily at the state and at national level, but with
implications for the strategies and programmatic
support provided by UNICEF and WWF in India. MCRC
undertook such a study for the Chennai water basin.
NGOs Directory |
MCRC has compiled a
directory on voluntary organisations working in Tamil
Nadu on behalf of CAPART, Hyderabad and Development
Alternatives (DA), New Delhi.
CAPART requires this information to disseminate its
activities through networking, while DA plans to list
them into the internet. Addresses of 2,400 NGOs were
collected and contacted. Only 822 NGOs responded.
Based on certain criteria, 203 NGOs were visited by
MCRC personnel. The profile of 203 NGOs were sent to
Development Alternatives, whereas 822 NGOs profiles
will be available in the directory.
Promotion of voluntary blood
donation |
In Chennai, where the
number of road accidents is on the increase, the need
for timely blood transfusion is vital. The demand for
blood is increasing day by day. This is mainly because
of the prevailing gap between the donors and receivers
(hospitals). To bridge the communication gap between
these two entities and also to find out the status of
blood donation and the role of blood banks, hospitals,
voluntary organisations, other organisations and
individuals, a survey was conducted. The result
obtained shows that the demand is still not fulfilled.
This study was sponsored by National Council for
Science and Technology Communication, Department of
Science and Technology.
TORBED survey |
technology in oil less frying and related awareness was
surveyed in major cities of Tamil Nadu. |